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A B O U T   E M I L Y   L O I S

Emily Lois is a local singer songwriter acoustic guitarist living in Penngrove, California. Song and music has been an integral part of her life since her teens, with songwriting coming into play while attending college in Boston. She has won multi-awards for “Best Performance”  and "Best Song" from the West Coast Songwriters Association, and performs regularly throughout theNorth Bay singing a unique blend of covers and originals. Follow her on Facebook at EmilyLois.Penngrove.

Emily's songs form deep from the heart to express experience and insight through a clearly transparent mirror that has written on it in organic lip balm, "Here i am", "This is me" and "This is what I see."

— Robert Joseph | Open Mic Host at Rosen's 256 

© 2022 Emily Lois Band. All rights reserved.

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